Showing 52 Result(s)

Modhera DanceFestival(Uttarardh Mahotsav): Tradition, Heritage, and Culture

Uttararadh Mahotsav, in other words, the Modhera Dance Festival, holds an extravaganza filled with all the grandeur of India. It is celebrated annually in the historic town of Modhera, in the state of Gujarat. This one magnificent form of classical dance is highly interlinked with ancient architecture.

Mahalaya Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya Rituals: Unlocking Pitr-Paksha Significance

In the gentle embrace of autumn, we find ourselves drawn to the poignant celebration of Pitr-Paksha- Mahalaya Amavasya. It’s not merely a festival; it’s a symphony of emotions that resonates through the hearts of those who partake in its rituals. Understanding Pitr-Paksha- Mahalaya Amavasya: Pitr-Paksha- Mahalaya Amavasya falls in the lunar month of Ashwin, offering …